Retos para nuestras mentes brillantes

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Torneo de pala

Torneo de pala 

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Nuestros equipos

Ya hemos empezado la temporada  con buen juego y gran ambiente 
Equipo minibasket 2019

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Continents and Oceans.

Hello guys!

Let´s sing together and remember the names of the continents and oceans!

Remember ... Australia is not a continent but a country! It is part of Oceania 🔝

Resultado de imagen de camara y planeta

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We´ve had the opportunity to learn about the Spanish artist Pablo Picassso and Cubism during the last couple of lessons. Children have been working hard and have done extraordinary artworks.

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Les vetements

Comment ça va?

Vous voulez une chanson des vetements?

À tout!!

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Resultado de imagen de viking cartoon
 Sing along!

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Resultado de imagen de check cartoonDid you get stuck with the Past Simple form of the verbs? Take a look and try these exercises. The more you try the better you get.

Good luck!

Activity 1. Positive sentencesActivity 2. Negative sentences
Activity 3. Questions
Activity 4. Mixed up!

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Resultado de imagen de macmillan wheelSpin the wheel and... learn them all! This wheel may look familiar to you. Apart from useful, it's great fun! See how many points you can get!

Click here to play.

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Hi lads!
Imagen relacionada
Here you have a game to learn more a more irregular verbs. You can play on your own or with your family. It is a piece of cake!

Click here to play

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Grandes presentaciones

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Policía por un día

Conocemos de primera mano el gran trabajo que hacen los cuerpos de policía.
Por un día fuimos un guardia civil y un policía Nacional : 
Investigando crímenes 🕵️, persiguiendo malechores 🏃, haciendo rescates en la montaña en helicóptero 🚁 o  en el mar 🚤🛶  buscando hueyas dactilares 👣, protegiendo a los ciudadanos , detectando explosivos 🎆 y haciendo sonar la alarmas de policía 🚓

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